Friday, July 4, 2014

Aam Sandesh / Mango Sandesh

aam sandesh

Ingredients :

  • Full Fat milk: 1 liter
  • Mango pulp : 1cup
  • Milk powder: ½ cup
  • Sugar: 1/3 cup
  • Condensed milk: 4 tbsp
  • Lemon juice: 1 tsp


 1)  In a heavy bottom pan boil milk, stirring occasionally, make sure
      not to  burn milk. As the milk comes to boil, add the lemon juice
      gradually and stir the milk gently.Lower the heat. Almost in
      seconds you will see the milk curdle and clumps of white milk
      solids forming.When you see the greenish water separating ,take
      it off from heat.Let it sit for 4-5 minutes.

2)  Now drain the chhana using a strainer line with cheesecloth or
     muslin cloth.  Next lightly rinse the chhana with water to remove
     the lemony taste and let it drain.Squeeze out the remaining water
     from the chhana. It is very important that the chhana is drained of
     all excess water. To take out the excess water squeeze the cloth,
     or press the wrapped chhana under a heavy pan for about one hour.

3) After that take the chhana out on a plate and start kneading with the
    heel of your palm. Continue doing this till you get smooth dough and
    your palms feel the softness (approx. 10 minutes). Now mix in the
    sugar and again knead for another 7-8 minutes. At the end of this process
    you will get a little oily and very smooth dough without any lump.

4) Take a non stick pan and mix in the mango pup, chana ,milk powder
     and condensed milk. On a medium low heat start cooking the mixture.
     You need to keep stirring it continuously to avoid burning at the
     bottom, while doing so scrape the sides occasionally.Keep on
     cooking this way till the chana becomes thick and finally  take a
     dough shape leaving the sides of the pan (approx. 15 minutes). Switch
     off the heat and take it out on a plate or bowl.  Cover and let it cool a
     little bit.

5) In the mean time wash the moulds and lightly grease the inside with a
    little ghee (clarifies butter). Pinch the dough and take small portion
    of the makha. Spread this on the mould in whatever form it is.
    Press with your palm and gently take them out of the mould. Repeat
    the process with the rest of the makha.

    Serve warm or at room temperature.
   You can also freeze them for 3-4 days in a covered container.

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