Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dimer Devil / Deviled Eggs in Bengali Style

dimer devil

Preparation Time : 40 minutes -1 hour
Cooking Time : 10 minutes
Serve : 8

Ingredients :

  • Hard boiled egg : 4 (cut into halves)
  • Egg : 1 beaten
  • Potato : 3 large (boiled and smashed but not very smoothly)
  • Onion paste : 3 tbsp
  • Ginger-garlic paste : 1 tbsp
  • Red chilli powder : 1tsp
  • Dry roasted cumin powder : 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste
  • Bread crumb : 1 cup
  • Vegetable oil to deep fry

Procedure :

1) At first add oil in a pan and make it little hot.Then add onion paste ,stir it.
2) Add ginger-garlic paste . Cook for 2-3 minutes.
3) Then add the smashed potato with it and mix it very well with ginger-garlic
    and onion paste.
4) Add salt as per taste,chilli powder ,pinch of sugar and dry roasted cumin
5) When smashed potato will mix well with all the masala turn off the heat
    and keep the potato mix aside and let it cool for sometime.
6) Now beat 1 egg in a small bowl with pinch of salt.
7) Make ready your bread crumb in a flat plate.
8) Now take each piece of the egg and cover it nicely with the smashed potato
9) Take the oval shaped devil dip it in egg and then roll it on bread crumb.
     Put it in a plate,cover it and keep in refrigerator for atleast half an hour.
     Take out from refrigerator and deep fry them.
     Serve hot with salads and ketchup.

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