Showing posts with label milk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milk. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Kheer Sandesh

Kheer Sandesh

  • Milk : 1 litre
  • Milk powder : 1/2 cup (optional)
  • Sugar : 4 tsp
  • Cardamom powder : pinch
  • Rose water: 2 drops 
  • Ghee : 1 tbsp
1)  Take a wide heavy bottom pan or a kadai.
      Pour milk and start boiling it.Stir occasionally.
      First boil it in high heat, when it is about to spill,
      put flame in low heat.
2)  Take a small bowl add small amount of milk from
      kadai and add milk powder. Mix it very well so
      that there is no lump.
3)  Add it in hot milk. Keep stirring.
4)  Add sugar.You can add more or less sugar as per
     your taste.
5)  Now stir it continuously so that milk doesn’t get
     burnt at the bottom.
6)  Cook till it dry.In the meantime add cardamom
      powder and 2 drops of rose water.Take a small
      amount of kheer in a bowl.Put your finger in
      kheer, if you feel sticky you need to cook for
     few more minutes.
7)  When you find it not sticky any more. Put it in
      a plate. With the bottom side of a spoon or a
      spatula knead the kheer very well. It will become
      smooth and soft.
8)  Now take moulds , brush a little amount of ghee
     on it.Take little amount of kheer and put it on the
     mould.Lightly press with your finger and scrape
     extra from sides. It will give clean shape.Now
     take out sandesh from mould by pulling gently
     and from one side.
9)  If you don’t have any mould’s, no need to worry.
     Put little ghee in your palm. Rub both hands. Take
     a little portion of kheer. Make a round ball , then
     gently press it.Give a shape like small disc.Put a
     raisin on it.

        Our kheer sandesh is done.

      Serve it cool or chilled.
      Happy Cooking!!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Easy Rasmalai Recipe

Easy Rasmalai


  • Milk: 1/2 litre
  • Sugar: 2-3 tsp
  • Cardamom powder/Elaichi powder: 1/2 tsp
  • Almond: 6-7 finely chopped
  • Pistachio: 6-7 finely chopped
  • Saffron /Kesar: few strands
  • Food color/ kesar color : pinch
  • Rasgulla/Rosogolla : 16 pieces (i used canned rasogolla)              

       1. In a wide heavy bottom pan  boil milk. Add kesar and boil it.
       2. After few minutes add elaichi powder,pinch of food color and sugar.Add
           more or less sugar as per your taste.
       3. Boil milk for another 10-15 minutes.Add all dry fruits.Don't make it thick.
           Milk should be light that will help rasgulla to absorb well.Turn off the heat.
       4. Now take out rasgulla from sugar syrup and press rosgulla softly with both
           palm and squeeze out extra syrup.
       5. Put all the rasgulla in milk and wait for 3-4 hours.Now it is ready to serve.

          Serve it cool.
          Happy Cooking!!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Radish With Milk / Dudh Diye Mulo

dudh diye mulo

Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time :15-20 minutes

Ingredients :

  • Mulo /raddish : 1 medium thinly sliced
  • Milk : 1 cup
  • Methi seeds /fenugreek seeds : 1/2 tsp
  • whole jeera : 1/4 tsp
  • Green chilies : 2-3 slited
  • Bay leaf : 1 medium
  • ginger paste : 1/2 tsp
  • Bori : 3-4
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar : 1 tsp
  • Cardamom powder : 1/2 tsp
  • Vegetable oil : 2-3 tbsp
  • Ghee : 1/2 tsp


1) In a pan boil water and then add sliced radish and 
    boil for 3-4 minutes.After that take out steamed 
    radish out of water and keep aside.
2) In a kadai or pan heat 1 tbsp oil .Fry bori . Take 
    out from oil and keep aside.
3) In the same pan add remaing oil ,heat it and temper
     it with methi seeds and green chilies.
4) Now add steamed raddish .Fry them . Add salt mix 
    them and fry for 2 minutes in medium heat.
5) After that add ginger paste and give a good mix 
     and cook it for another 5 minutes till raw smell 
     of ginger goes away.
6) Pour milk to raddish.Cover and cook in low-medium
    heat until raddish becomes soft. Don't worry if milk 
    gets curdle ,when milk will get dry ,curry will look 
7) Add sugar ,cardamom powder and bori.Mix them 
8) Add ghee , mix them  and now turn off the heat.
   Serve hot with steam rice.
   Happy Cooking!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Malai ChamCham

malai chomchom

Preparation Time : 1 hour
Cooking Time : 1 hour

Ingredients :

  • Milk : 6 cups +2 cups
  • Lemon : 1
  • Maida : 1 tsp
  • Sugar : 2 cups + 4 tbsp
  • Water : 5 cups
  • Elaichi : 3 crushed
  • Pistachio : 5-6 
  • Saffron : pinch

Procedure :

1) In a heavy bottom pan boil milk, stir occasionally, making sure not to burn
    milk.As the milk comes to a boil, add the lemon juice gradually and stir the
    milk gently.Lower the heat. Almost in seconds you will see the milk curdle
    and clumps of white milk solids forming.When you see the greenish water
    separating ,turn off the heat and let it sit for 4-5 minutes.

2) Now drain the chana using a strainer line with a cheesecloth or muslin cloth.
    Next lightly rinse the chana with water to remove the lemon taste and let it
    drain.Squeeze out  the excess water from the chana.
3)  Once the chana is drained, place on a dry, clean surface and knead the
     chana for 15-20 minutes until the chana is almost rolls into smooth soft
     dough.In the mean time, you add 1 tsp of maida.Knead the chana with the
     heel of your palm .The chana will become smooth and your palm will  be
     little oily from the fat of the chana.

4)  Take small portion of it and roll into small balls between your palm. The
      balls should be smooth and firm.Now give Chamcham an oval shape and
      place it on a plate. Prepare all Chamcham balls.Approximately 9-10
     chamcham will be made from this measure.

5)  In a heavy bottom pan make a syrup adding 5 cups of water and 2 cups
     of sugar. Keep it at medium high heat and  bring to boil. Add 2-3 crushed
     cardamom.let it boil for 5-6 minutes.Syrup should be thin.

6)  Add all raw chhana  to the syrup .Cover the pan with lid.Cook in high
     heat for first 4-5 minutes,then cook for another 20-25 minutes in medium
     heat.Now turn off  the heat and wait for 10-15 minutes.

7)  Only take out Chamcham with no sugar syrup and put it in a bowl.

8)  Make kheer / malai in a small pan.Add 2 cups of milk and boil it. Stir continuously .
     Other wise milk will burn at the bottom.Boil milk till its volume become half.
     Add 4 tbsp of sugar and stir it still it dissolves in milk.Turn off the heat and let
     it settle down for 3-4 minutes.

9)  Now pour kheer/ malai over chamcham in the bowl. Garnish with 5-6 finely
     chopped pistachios and saffron. Add 1/2 tsp of rose water over chamcham.

     Serve it chilled or warm.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Pati Shapta


Preparation Time : 1-2 hours
Cooking Time : 1 hour

Ingredients :
  • Coconut : 2 cups finely grated
  • Condensed milk : 1 can
  • Sugar : 1 cup
  • Sooji / semolina : 1 cup
  • Maida : 1+ 1 cup
  • Milk : 1/2 cup
  • Water : 2 cups
  • Mustard oil / Ghee: 1-2 tbsp
  • Bay leaf : 1 small
  • Cardamom powder : 1/2 tsp

Procedure :

1) In a large bowl add 1& 1/2 cup maida ,1 cup sooji ,1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup
    water. Mix them well so that there are no lumps.You can also add milk instead
    of water.Keep the mixture for an hour. Make a medium consistency batter i.e
    not too thin nor too thick and it should be free flowing. If reqiured add more
    water and sugar.
2) In a kadai add grated coconut ,sweetened condensed milk ,1/2 cup milk and
    3 tbsp sugar. In medium heat keep stirring the mixture till its get sticky.
    Coconuts tends to burn easily so keep stirring continuously. Make the mixture
    little dry so that there remains almost no moisture.If you make it completely dry
    and then the filling will become hard to eat.
3) Add cardamom powder to the coconut mixture. Mix them well. Remove from
    heat and keep it aside to cool.
4) Take 2 tbsp of coconut mixture and give it a thin cylindrical shape.
5) Take a non stick pan or tawa and heat it.Cut the upper part of an eggplant and
    keep the stalk intact .Put very little oil or ghee on the pan and spread oil over
    the pan with eggplant head and heat it.
6) Make the heat medium-low. Put 1 large ladle or 4 tbsp of batter over the pan
    and spread it evenly with a bay leaf or you can also use back of your ladle and
    make it an round shape.
7) Before the batter tends to solid put the coconut filling lengthwise at one end of
    the crepe . Now roll the crepe very gently from the filling side towards the inner
    direction. Press it gently with a spatula on both ends so that roll will remain tight.
    Keep it in one end of  the pan for 1- 2 minute and cook it on both sides of the
    patishapta. Now remove from heat put it in a serving dish.

   Serve it warm or cold.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Bengali Nolen Gurer Rosogolla

nolen gurer rosogolla

Preparation Time 3-4 hours
Cooking Time : 30-35 minutes
Serves : 10-12

Ingredients :

  • Whole milk : 2 lit
  • Lemon juice : 4-5 tbsp
  • Sugar : 1 cup
  • Nolen gur /khejur gur : 1 cup
  • Water : 5 cup
  • Cardamom : 2

Procedure :

1) In a heavy bottom pan boil milk, stirring occasionally, making sure
    not to burn milk.As the milk starts boiling, add the lemon juice gradually
    and stir the milk gently.Lower the heat to medium. In few minutes 
    milk will curdle and cluster of white milk solids will forms.When you see the
    greenish water separating ,take it off from heat.

2) Now drain the chana using a strainer line with cheesecloth or muslin cloth.
    Next lightly rinse the chana with water to remove the lemony taste and let
    it drain.Squeeze out  the excess water from the chana.Take out the excess
   water firmly press the cloth, or put  the wrapped chana under a heavy
    pan for about one hour.

3) Once the chana is drained, place on a dry, clean surface and knead the
    chhana for 30-35 minutes until the chhana is  almost rolls into smooth soft
    dough .Knead the chana with the heel of your palm .The chhana will look
    like a smooth  dough and your palm will be little greasy from the fat of the

4)Take small portion of it and roll into small balls between your palm. The
    balls should be smooth and firm. To make the balls thus, first apply a little
    pressure between your palm and then let go, rolling the ball very lightly by
    a circular motion of your palms. Approximately 15-16 balls will be made
    from this measure.

5) In a heavy bottom pan make a syrup adding 5 cups of water and 1 cup
    of sugar and 1 cup of khejur gur. Keep it at medium high heat and bring
    to boil. Add 2 crushed cardamom.

6) Add all raw chana balls to the boiling syrup .Cover the pan with lid.Cook
    in high heat for first 4-5 minutes.Then cook for another 20-25 minutes in
    medium heat. Now turn off heat and wait for 10-15 minutes.

    Your rosogolla is ready. You can seve hot or chilled.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Narkel Naru / Coconut Ladoo

narkel naru

Preparation Time : 10 minutes
Cooking Time : 40-45 minutes
Serves : 30

Ingredients :

  • Shredded Coconut :  frozen 340 gm,You can use and grate fresh coconut.
  • Whole milk : 1 cup
  • Evaporated milk : 5 fl oz
  • Condensed milk : 14 oz
  • Elaichi /Cardamom: 4 crushed
  • Sugar : 2-3 tbsp

Procedure :

1) First thaw the frozen coconut or you can use fresh one.
2) Take a heavy bottom pan and add all the ingredients except cardamom
3) Now  put the pan in medium heat .
4) Mix all the ingredients together and stir continously.
5) You can add more or less sugar as per your taste.
6) Add cardamom powder.Stir till the whole milk almost dries up.
    Colour of the mixture will slightly change.
7) Do not dry the mixture too much ,else you can't make round balls. As you
    notice that the coconut mixture starts to come out smoothly from all sides
    of the pan turn off the heat and remove the pan from hot surface. Let it cool
    slightly.When the mixture is warm to touch take 1 tbsp of mixture and start
    making round balls by rolling between your palms .Keep it in a air tight
    container and refrigerate it for 7-10 days.

    Remove from refrigerator before serving.

Saturday, September 6, 2014



Preparation Time :1 - 2 minutes
Cooking Time : 40-45 minutes
Serve : 4-5

Ingredients :

  • Whole milk : 500 ml
  • Rasgulla : 8-10 (Canned rasgulla can be used,or you can make them.)
  • Cardamom : 2-3 crushed
  • Saffron strands : 7-8
  • Sugar : 1 tbsp or you can add more
  • Pistachio : 1 tbsp finely chopped for garnishing

Procedure :

1) Boil milk in a pan for 30 minutes in medium high heat.Stir continously
    till its volume reduces to 3/4 th of its original volume. Scrape off the
    cream that will collects on all sides of the pan.
2) Add crushed cardamom and saffron strands. Boil milk for 5 minutes.
    Reduce the heat.
3) Remove rosogolla from syrup and squeeze extra syrup from it.
4) Add rosogolla to the milk  and add a table spoon of sugar. Taste if you
    need more sugar.Cook for 2 minutes. Turn off the heat.

    Garnish it chopped pistachio and serve chilled.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Couscous Payesh

couscous payesh

Preparation Time : 3-4 minutes
Cooking Time : 30 minutes
Serves: 4

Ingredients :

  • Couscous : 1/2 cup
  • Whole milk : 500 gm
  • Tejpata / Bay leaf : 2 medium
  • Sugar : 6 tbsp (You can add more or less as per your taste)
  • Cardamom : 4 crushed
  • Cashew nuts :4-5 broken
  • Raisins : 5-6 
Procedure :

1) In a pan boil milk for 15 minutes in high heat and stir continously, otherwise
    milk will overflow.
2) Now add bay leaf and boil for another few minutes till sweets aroma comes
3) Now add couscous to the milk.Boil for 5 minutes.
4) Add Sugar ,mix it well and cook for another 5-10 minutes.Stir continously
5) In the mean time add crushed cardamom.Turn off the heat.
    Put it in a bowl and let it cool and garnish it with cashew nuts and raisins.
    Serve chilled.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Doodh Potol

doodh potol

Preparation Time :10-15 minutes
Cooking Time : 20 -25 minutes
Serve : 4

Ingredients :

  • Potol /parwal : 14-15, cut into 4 pieces lengthwise.
  • Coconut : 1 tsp powder / milk
  • Posto / poppy seeds paste : 2 tbsp
  • Green chillies : 2-3 chopped
  • Tomato : 1 medium finely chopped
  • Milk : 1 small cup
  • Coriander powder : 1/2 tsp
  • Cumin powder : 1/2 tsp
  • Garam masala powder : 1/4 tsp
  • Bay leaf : 1 medium
  • Cardamom : 2 
  • Cloves :2-3 
  • Cinnamon : 1"
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar : 1tbsp
  • Vegetable oil : 4-5 tbsp


1) In a pan heat oil and add potol.Fry it lightly and keep aside.
2) In the same oil add bay leaf ,cardamom,cinnamon and cloves.Wait for
    30 seconds.
3) Add chopped tomato.Fry it for a minute.Now add cumin powder and
    coriander powder.
4) Add salt and sugar.Mix them well.
5) After few minutes add coconut paste and posto paste and cook for
   another few  more minutes.
6) Add milk instead of water and fried potol.Cover the pan with a lid
    and cook till gravy  becomes thick.
7) Now sprinkle garam masala powder and mix them well. Turn off the

Serve hot with steam rice.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Kasoori Methi Paneer

kasoori methi paneer

Preparation Time :10-15 minutes
Cooking Time : 15 -20 minutes
Serve : 4

  • Paneer : 250 gm cut into small cubes.
  • Onion : 1 cup paste
  • Tomato : 1 large paste
  • Ginger paste : 1 tbsp
  • Bay leaf : 1 small
  • Cardamom : 3-4 crushed
  • Cinnamon : 1"
  • Green chilies : 1-2 
  • Kashmiri red chili powder : 1 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar : 1-2 tbsp
  • Milk : 1 cup
  • Kasoori Methi : 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil : 4-5 tbsp

Procedure :

1) First make a paste of onion ,tomato,ginger and green chilies.Put them
    in a small bowl  and mix them well. Keep aside.
2) In a frying pan heat oil and fry paneer cubes till light golden colour.
    Keep them aside.
3) In the same oil temper it with bay leaf,cardamom,cinnamon.Then add
   onion-tomato- ginger paste. Fry them and in the mean time add kashmiri
   red chili powder,salt, sugar. Fry them till oil comes out from masala very
4) Add fried paneer cubes, mix them with masala.
5) Now pour milk and let it boil.Make gravy thick.
6) Now sprinkle kasoori methi over paneer and mix them well.Now turn
   off the heat.

    Serve hot with rice, roti, naan, paratha or fried rice.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Semiya Payes/ Vermicelli Kheer

semiya payes

Ingredients :

  • Semiya / Vermicelli : 1/4 cup
  • Ghee : 1 tbsp
  • Whole Milk : 3 cups
  • Milk powder :1/2 cup
  • Sugar : 5-6 tbsp
  • Cardamom : 2-4 crushed
  • Tejpatta / Bay leaf : 1 medium
  • Cashew nuts : 4-5 tbsp broken
  • Raisin : 4-5 tbsp

Procedure :

1) Take a large pan and add milk and boil it. Reduce the flame, add
     bay leaf and crushed cardamom . Stir the milk for 15 minutes so
     that the volume get reduced to 1/3 . Take out 1/4th cup of milk 
     and keep it in a bowl.Add milk powder to the 1/4 th cup of milk.
     Mix it well.Now pour it in the pan.
2) At the same time take a small frying pan and ghee and heat it. Add
    cashew nuts and raisins and fry them for 2-3 minutes in medium heat
    and keep aside.
3) Add little ghee and heat it. Now add semiya and fry them untill it
    become golden in colour.
4) Add this fried semiya in the boiled milk.And continuousle stir it till
    semiya is almost done.
5) Now add sugar mix them well and for another 5 minutes. Now turn
    off the heat.
6) Sprinkle pinch of cardamom powder,fried cashew nuts and raisins,
     mix them well and pour them in serving bowl.
    Let it cool down and refrigerate it for atleast half an hour.
    Serve it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Strawberry Shake

strawberry shake

(Serving: 2)


  • Strawberry : 8-10 large
  • Milk : 1 cup
  • Strawberry ice cream/ vanilla ice cream : 1 cup
  • Ice cubes : 4-5
  • Sugar : 4 tbsp (You can add more or less as per your taste.)

Procedure :

1) Take all ingredients in a bowl of  blender and blend until smooth.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Aam Sandesh / Mango Sandesh

aam sandesh

Ingredients :

  • Full Fat milk: 1 liter
  • Mango pulp : 1cup
  • Milk powder: ½ cup
  • Sugar: 1/3 cup
  • Condensed milk: 4 tbsp
  • Lemon juice: 1 tsp


 1)  In a heavy bottom pan boil milk, stirring occasionally, make sure
      not to  burn milk. As the milk comes to boil, add the lemon juice
      gradually and stir the milk gently.Lower the heat. Almost in
      seconds you will see the milk curdle and clumps of white milk
      solids forming.When you see the greenish water separating ,take
      it off from heat.Let it sit for 4-5 minutes.

2)  Now drain the chhana using a strainer line with cheesecloth or
     muslin cloth.  Next lightly rinse the chhana with water to remove
     the lemony taste and let it drain.Squeeze out the remaining water
     from the chhana. It is very important that the chhana is drained of
     all excess water. To take out the excess water squeeze the cloth,
     or press the wrapped chhana under a heavy pan for about one hour.

3) After that take the chhana out on a plate and start kneading with the
    heel of your palm. Continue doing this till you get smooth dough and
    your palms feel the softness (approx. 10 minutes). Now mix in the
    sugar and again knead for another 7-8 minutes. At the end of this process
    you will get a little oily and very smooth dough without any lump.

4) Take a non stick pan and mix in the mango pup, chana ,milk powder
     and condensed milk. On a medium low heat start cooking the mixture.
     You need to keep stirring it continuously to avoid burning at the
     bottom, while doing so scrape the sides occasionally.Keep on
     cooking this way till the chana becomes thick and finally  take a
     dough shape leaving the sides of the pan (approx. 15 minutes). Switch
     off the heat and take it out on a plate or bowl.  Cover and let it cool a
     little bit.

5) In the mean time wash the moulds and lightly grease the inside with a
    little ghee (clarifies butter). Pinch the dough and take small portion
    of the makha. Spread this on the mould in whatever form it is.
    Press with your palm and gently take them out of the mould. Repeat
    the process with the rest of the makha.

    Serve warm or at room temperature.
   You can also freeze them for 3-4 days in a covered container.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pistachio Phirni

pistachio phirni

Ingredients :
  • Basmati rice /Gobindo bhog rice : 1/2 cup
  • Milk : 1/2 litre + 1/4 cup
  • Pistachio : 1/4 cup blanched,peeled and sliced 
  • Saffron / kesar : pinch soaked in little warm milk
  • Sugar : 7 tbsp ( you can add more or less sugar as per your taste)
  • Elaichi powder / cardamom powder : 1 tsp
  • Rose water : 1tsp

Procedure :

1) Soak rice for half an hour. Drain and grind it with 1/4 cold milk  to a
    coarse paste.
2) Take a pan and bring milk to boil.
3) Add rice paste dissolved cold milk. Cookand stir  constantly in medium
    -low heat, till rice is completely cooked.
4) Add sugar, saffron soaked in milk, green cardamom powder and cook
    till sugar is completely dissolved. cook till you get thick consistency.
5) Add rose water ,mix well. Turn off the heat.
6) Put it in a bowl and garnish with sliced pistachios.
    Chill in a refrigerator for an hour or two before serving.  

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Egg Butter Masala

egg butter masala

Ingredients :

  • Egg : 4
  • Onion : 1 small
  • Tomato : 2 medium
  • Garlic paste : 3-4 cloves
  • Ginger paste : 1 tbsp 
  • Kasmiri red chili powder : 1 tbsp
  • Turmeric pwder : 1/4 tsp
  • Methi seeds : 1/4 tsp
  • Cardamom : 4-5
  • Cinnamon : 1"
  • Kasoori methi : 1tbsp
  • Garam masala powder : 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar to taste 
  • Salt to taste
  • Butter : 2 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil : 4-5 tbsp
  • Milk : 1/2 cup
  • Fresh cream : 2 tbsp

Procedure :

1)  Boil 4-5 eggs. Cool and peel shells. Now sprinklepinch of turmeric
     powder and salt over egg  mix them . And fry to a golden brown or
     just let them remain boiled.

2) Heat a pan,add a tsp of vegetable oil or butter and fry onion chopped
    in large chunks till soft.Cook and make a paste. Keep aside.

3) In the same pan again add a tsp of oil or butter heat it and add 2
    cardamom and cinnamon . Wait fow few seconds and add chopped
    tomato. fry it for 2-3 minutes in medium heat. Make a paste and strain
    it.Keep aside.

4) Now in a pan heat 1tbsp butter and 2 tbsp oil.Temper the oil with 1/4 tsp
    of methi seeds.When you get beautiful aroma of methi,remove the seeds
    from oil.

5) Now add 2-3 cardamom wait for few seconds, then add the onions paste.
    Fry for about 5 minutes in medium heat.

6) Next add  ginger paste, garlic paste ,kashmiri red chili powder (more to
    taste),a pinch of turmeric powder.Fry for couple of more minutes.

7) Now add fried tomato paste. Fry till oil comes out of masala.

8) Now add about 1 tbsp of kasoori methi .Add salt, garam masala powder
    and sugar.  Mix them well.

9)  Add 1/2 cup of milk. Mix them well.

10)  Add fried eggs. Simmer till gravy comes to right consistency as per
      your choice.

11)  Add 2 tbsp of fresh cream. At low heat let the gravy simmer for 4-5 mins.
       Turn off the heat.
      Serve hot with naan, paratha or rice.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Kheer ChamCham

kheer chamcham

Ingredients :
  • Milk : 1 liter (4 cup)
  • Lemon juice : 2-3 tbsp (2 lemons)
  • Sugar : 2 cup
  • Maida : 1 tsp
  • Yellow color - less then 1 pinch
  • Mawa - ¼ cup
  • Cardamoms - 3-4 (peel and make powder)
  • Sugar - 2-3 tbsp
  • Pistachios - 7-8 (thinly sliced)
  • Rose water - 2-3 drops

Procedure :

 1)  In a heavy bottom pan boil milk, stirring occasionally, making sure
      not to burn milk. As the milk comes to a boil, add the lemon juice
      gradually and stir the milk gently.Lower the heat. Almost in seconds
      you will see the milk curdle and clumps of white milk solids forming.
      When you see the greenish water separating ,take it off from heat.Let
      it sit for 4-5 minutes.

2)  Now drain the chhana using a strainer line with cheesecloth or muslin
     cloth. Next lightly rinse the chhana with water to remove the lemony
     taste and let it drain.Squeeze out the remaining water  from the chhana.
     It is very important that the chhana is drained of all excess water. To
     take out the excess water squeeze the cloth, or pressthe wrapped chhana
     under a heavy pan for about one hour.

3)  Once the chhana is drained, place on a dry, clean surface and knead the
     chhana for 8-10 minutes until the chhana is almost rolls into smooth soft
     dough.In the mean time, you add 1 tsp of maida and 2-3 drops of yellow
     food colour.Knead the chhana with the heel of your palm .The chhana
     will look like a smooth dough and your palm will  be little greasy from
     the fat of the chhana.

4)  Take small portion of it and roll into small balls between your palm. The
      balls should be smooth and firm.Now give Chamcham an oval shape and
      place it on a plate. Like wise prepare all Chamcham balls.Approximately
      9-10 cham cham will be made from this measure.

5)  In a heavy bottom pan make a syrup adding 4 cups of water and 2 cups
     of sugar. Keep it at medium high heat and  bring to boil. Add 2-3 crushed

6)  Add all raw chhana balls to the syrup .Cover the pan with lid.Cook in high
     heat for first 4-5 minutes,then cook for another 20-25 minutes in medium
     heat.Now turn off  the heat and wait for 10-15 minutes.

7)  Take out Chamcham in any big bowl along with sugar syrup. Stuff cham-
      cham when it cools down completely.

8)  Peel cardamom and make powder. Mash mawa very finely with help of a
     spoon. Add powdered sugar and cardamom powder and knead really well.
     Stuffing is ready.

9)  After soaking Chamcham for 3-4 hours and cooling it down, take it out from
    sugar syrup.Chamcham has become cold, sweet and hard. Take when Cham-
    cham  and slit it from center keeping it joint from one side. Keep Chamcham
    in one hand and stuffing it with other hand. Garnish with 5-6 pistachios pieces.
    Like wise stuff all. Chamcham. Sprinkle rose water.

   Chamcham is ready.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Mango Lassi

mango lassi

Ingredients :

  • Mango pulp : 1 cup
  • Plain Yogurt : 1 cup
  • Ice cubes :10-12
  • Sugar : 5 tbsp
  • Milk : 1/4 cup
  • Elaichi powder : 1/4 tsp

Procedure :

1) Pour mango pulp,yogurt,milk,sugar, elaichi powder and ice cubes into the
    bowl of a blender. Blend until smooth.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Gurer Payesh

gurer payesh


  • Gobindo bhog rice : 1 handful
  • Whole milk : 3 cups 
  • Bay leaf : 1 large
  • Green cardamoms crushed : 2
  • Jaggery / nolen  gur : 1/2 cup grated
  • Sugar : 1 tbsp

Procedure :

1)  Clean,wash and soak rice for at least 15 minutes.
2)  Take a large sauce-pan add the milk and put on medium heat.
     When the milk will start boiling, stir continuously to prevent burning the milk.
3)  Add bay leaf and continue to boil stirring constantly for fifteen to twenty minutes.
4)  Add the rice, but not with the water, in which the rice was soaked.
5)  Boil rice in milk till the rice is almost (90 %) done.
6)  Add the jaggery and sugar and cook for few minutes till jaggery melts down,
     stirring constantly.
7)  Finally add crushed cardamom and cook for 2-3 minutes.
8)  Let the payesh cool down completely, and keep inside the refrigerator for 2-3
     Serve it cold.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

French Toast

Preparation time : 5-7 minutes
Cooking time : 5 -10 minutes
Serves : 2-3

Ingredients :

  • Bread : 4 pieces cut into triangle
  • Egg : 2 
  • Milk : 3-4 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Onion : 1 tbsp
  • Green chilies : 1-2 chopped
  • Vegetable oil/ canola oil : 4-5 tbsp

1) In a bowl mix egg,milk,salt,onion,green chilies.

2) Dip each slice of bread into egg mixture allowing bread to soak up
    some of the mixture.

3) Heat oil over a skillet on medium high heat.

4) Add as many slices of bread onto the skillet as will fit at a time.

5) Fry until brown on both sides, flipping the bread when necessary.

Serve hot with tomato ketchup.