Thursday, August 14, 2014

Bhapa Ilish / Steamed Hilsa

bhapa ilish

Preparation Time :10-15 minutes
Cooking Time : 10-15 minutes
Serve : 4-5
Ingredients :

  • Ilish mach / hilsa fish : 5-6 large pieces
  • Posto paste : 4 tbsp
  • Mustard paste : 2 tbsp
  • Yogurt : 1 tbsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Turmeric powder : 1/24 tsp
  • Green chilies : 4-5 
  • Kalonji : 1/2 tsp
  • Mustard oil : 5-6 tbsp


1) If you are using frozen hilsa / ilish , you need to fry hilsa /ilish pieces
    lightly with very little turmeric powder and salt , otherwise you need
    not to do so.
2) In a small bowl take posto paste, mustard paste ,yogurt,pinch of turmeric
    powder,kalonji and salt.
3) In a heavy bottom vessel put add oil, posto-mustard paste,hilsa and green
4) Now cover the pan with a lid and turn on the gas on medium-low heat.
5) Cook for 10-15 minutes.Turn off the gas.
Serve hot with steam rice.

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