Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bengali Misti Doi

misti doi
Preparation Time : 5 minutes
Cooking Time : 7-8 hours

Ingredients :
  •  Greek Yogurt : 24 oz plain
  •  Condensed milk : 14 oz
  •  Evaporated milk: 12 oz
  •  Sugar : 4-5 tbsp
  •  Oven proof round /square bakeware


1) Mix all ingredients in a bakeware and mix well it very well  in a blender
    so that it contains no lumps.
2) Preheat oven in 300 fahrenheit  and place the bakeware in middle  rack
    in 200 fahrenheit or minimum temperature forat least 1 and 1/ 2 hours.
3) Now switch off the oven and leave the bakeware inside the oven for
    whole night or 7-8 hours.
4)After 7-8 hours  remove the yogurt and place it in refrigerator for an hour.

 Serve it cool.

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