Saturday, July 5, 2014

Homemade Paneer



  • Whole milk: 1 lit
  • lemon  juice : 2 large


1) In a heavy bottom pan boil milk, stirr occasionally, making sure
    not to burn milk.As the milk comes to a boil, add the lemon juice
    gradually  and stir the milk gently.Lower the heat. Almost in
    seconds you will see the milk curdle and clumps of white milk
    solids forming.When you see the greenish water separating ,take
    it off from heat. Let it sit for 4-5 minutes.

2) Now drain the chhana using a strainer line with cheesecloth or
    muslin cloth. Next lightly rinse the chana with water to remove
    the lemony taste and let it drain.squeeze out  the remaining water
    from the chana.  It is very important that the chana is drained
    of all excess water.  To take out the excess water squeeze the cloth,
    or press the wrapped chana under a heavy pan .
    Use this chana for making sweets or eat it with sugar.

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