Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Kheer Sandesh

Kheer Sandesh

  • Milk : 1 litre
  • Milk powder : 1/2 cup (optional)
  • Sugar : 4 tsp
  • Cardamom powder : pinch
  • Rose water: 2 drops 
  • Ghee : 1 tbsp
1)  Take a wide heavy bottom pan or a kadai.
      Pour milk and start boiling it.Stir occasionally.
      First boil it in high heat, when it is about to spill,
      put flame in low heat.
2)  Take a small bowl add small amount of milk from
      kadai and add milk powder. Mix it very well so
      that there is no lump.
3)  Add it in hot milk. Keep stirring.
4)  Add sugar.You can add more or less sugar as per
     your taste.
5)  Now stir it continuously so that milk doesn’t get
     burnt at the bottom.
6)  Cook till it dry.In the meantime add cardamom
      powder and 2 drops of rose water.Take a small
      amount of kheer in a bowl.Put your finger in
      kheer, if you feel sticky you need to cook for
     few more minutes.
7)  When you find it not sticky any more. Put it in
      a plate. With the bottom side of a spoon or a
      spatula knead the kheer very well. It will become
      smooth and soft.
8)  Now take moulds , brush a little amount of ghee
     on it.Take little amount of kheer and put it on the
     mould.Lightly press with your finger and scrape
     extra from sides. It will give clean shape.Now
     take out sandesh from mould by pulling gently
     and from one side.
9)  If you don’t have any mould’s, no need to worry.
     Put little ghee in your palm. Rub both hands. Take
     a little portion of kheer. Make a round ball , then
     gently press it.Give a shape like small disc.Put a
     raisin on it.

        Our kheer sandesh is done.

      Serve it cool or chilled.
      Happy Cooking!!

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