Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Potol Posto / Parwal with Poppy Seeds

potol posto

Preparation Time : 10 -15 minutes
Cooking Time : 15- 20 minutes
Serves : 2

Ingredients :

  • Parwal/ Potol: 15-20 gm
  • posto/poppy seeds paste: 5-6 tbsp
  • green chilies:2-3 cut length wise
  • mustard oil/ vegetable oil: 2-3 tbsp
  • kalonji/ kalo jeera : 1 tsp
  • tumeric powder:1/4 tsp
  • salt to taste
  • sugar:1/2 tsp

1. Soak posto (Poppy seed) in water for about 30 minutes. Remove and grind
    it into a fine paste.You can also dry grind poppy seeds in a spice and coffee
   grinder . Then you make smooth paste with water.
2. Wash potol and cut them length wise .
3. Heat oil in a pan , add kalonji / kalo jeera seeds and green chilies. let them
4. Now add potol pieces and add salt and turmeric powder. Cook them for
    8-10 minutes so that it becomes  tender.
5. Then add poppy paste and mix them well. Fry them in medium heat until
    the oil get seperated from the mixture.
6. Now add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar.Sprinkle little water if required. Cook for
    3-4 minutes. Turn off the heat, put it in a serving dish.

Serve hot with steam rice.

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